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2024 Information Systems and Sciences
Conference Agenda


The PhD Project 2024 Information Systems and Sciences Doctoral Student and Faculty Alumni Conference

August 14-15, 2024

Meeting Location: 

Sheraton Salt Lake City

150 West 500 South 

Salt Lake City, UT 84101


Students - blue

(New & seasoned) Faculty- green

Presenter- red

Staff/planning - orange

Guests- black

In Person Student Agenda

DAY 1 - August 14 (MST TIME ZONE)

2:00pm - Conference Registration Opens - Lodge Lobby

3:00 P.M. - 3:45 P.M. - Welcome - Room: SNOWBIRD

Blane Ruschak, President, The PhD Project
Moderator: Thomas E. Ware III, ISSDSA President


3:45 P.M. – 4:30 P.M. - Association Address (AMCIS) - Room: SNOWBIRD

Dr. Michelle Carter, Vice President of AIS, University of Manchester
Moderator: Thomas E. Ware III


4:30pm – 4:45 pm - BREAK


4:45pm – 5:45pm - Speed Mentoring Session/Research Speed Dating Game - Room: SNOWBIRD


Dr. Atiya Avery, Auburn University
Dr. Renée Pratt, ITSJustRenee, LLC
Dr. Allen Lee, Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Dejarvais Oliver, North Carolina A&T University
Dr. Roderick Lee, Penn State University
Dr. Corey Baham, University of Oklahoma
Dr. Amita Goyal Chin
Dr. Nicolas Brown, University of Indiana
Moderator: Thomas E. Ware III

Session Description: Speed “research dating” session providing a forum for aspiring scholars in Information systems to meet and connect with senior scholars like you and ask questions related to their research interests

6:00pm – 7:30pm - DINNER - HOTEL RESTAURANT


7:30pm – 8:30pm - Fireside Chat/ Well-being session /Networking - SNOWBIRD



Day 2 – Doctoral Student/Faculty Alumni Sessions (August 15)



8:00am- 9:00am - Breakfast - Room: DEER VALLEY


9:00am -10:00am - Teaching for Equity and Inclusion - Room: SNOWBIRD
Moderator: Lolita Ayala, ISSDSA Secretary
Presenter: Dr. Roderick Lee, Penn State Harrisburg

Session Description: Please join us for an informative session focused on recognizing barriers to equity and inclusion in information systems and sciences classrooms. We will also explore faculty agency and action, along with evidence-based strategies to create inclusive learning environments. Our goal is to ensure that all students feel valued, supported, and empowered to succeed. Participants are encouraged to complete the First Day Toolkit before attending the conference.


10:00am – 11:00am - Research Methods and Interpretations - Room: SNOWBIRD
Moderator: Rosemary Tufon, ISSDSA Parliamentarian
Presenter: Dr. Jason Thatcher, University of Colorado

                  Dr. Nguen (Qualitative Methods)

Session Description: Join us for an informative session where presenters will discuss principles, practices, tools, and research methodologies applicable throughout your career as an information systems scholar.


11:00am – 11:15am - BREAK


11:15am – 12:15pm - Student Business Meeting - Room: SNOWBIRD


12:15pm – 1:30pm - Working Lunch with Faculty Alumni - Room: DEER VALLEY


1:30pm – 2:30pm - Kendall's Publication Game - Room: SNOWBIRD
Moderator: Nicolette Gordon, ISSDSA Vice President
Presenter: Dr. Adriane Randolph, Kennesaw State University

Dr. Renee Pratt, ITSJustRenee, LLC

Session Description: Join us for an exhilarating and educational experience as we dive into the world of academic publishing. From crafting research papers to undergoing peer review, you'll learn valuable strategies to increase the chances of having your work accepted in prestigious journals. Our experienced facilitators will guide you through each step, providing insights, tips, and tricks to maximize your publication potential.

2:30pm – 3:30pm - Editors Session - Room: SNOWBIRD
Moderator: Thomas E. Ware III

Dr. Allen Lee, Virginia Commonwealth University

Dr. Jason Thatcher, University of Colorado

Session Description: Panel of distinguished professors to give ISSDSA students advice on publishing in our top journals

3:30 pm – 5:00pm - Registration at Association (AMCIS)


5:00pm – 6:00pm - Joint Session (ISSDSA Ph.D Students and Faculty) - Room: SNOWBIRD

Moderator: Thomas E. Ware III
Dr. Roderick Lee, Penn State University
Dr. Brandis Phillips, North Carolina A&T University

Dr. Adriane Randolph, Kennesaw State University 

Session Description: Join us for a compelling panel discussion that delves into the profound emotional dimensions of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) work within academia. This session will feature panelists who will candidly share their lived experiences and personal journeys, offering insights into the emotional labor inherent in advocating for DEIB. Through their stories and reflections, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the emotional labor associated with DEIB work and the strategies panelists have employed to sustain their engagement.

6:00pm -7:00pm - Meet-n-Greet - Room: SNOWBIRD

7:00pm-7:30pm - Group Photo


7:30pm - 9:00pm - Reception/Dinner - Room: DEER VALLEY

Moderator: Thomas Ware II

Awards & Recognitions

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