2024 ISDSA Conference
The Grand America Hotel
555 South Main Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Information Systems and Sciences Doctoral Student Association Conference August 15-17, 2024
Faculty Alumni/Information Systems and SciencesFaculty of Color Association Sessions
August 15-17, 2022
By Invitation only - Contact Myrna Varner if you need additional information.
*times on left presented in eastern time zone
DAY 1: Thursday, August 4th
1:00-2:00pm Planning Committee meeting
2:00-3:00pm Plenary session: Welcome
3:00-3:15pm Break
3:15-4:30pm Cohort sessions (breakouts)
4:30-4:35pm Break
4:35-5:30pm Plenary Session: Journal Panel (Editor Round Tables)
5:30-6:30pm Roundtable-Mock Interviews (pre-registration required)
6:30-8:30pm Dinner/Trailblazer
DAY 2: Friday, August 5th
8:00-9:00am Breakfast with faculty
9:00-9:30am Plenary Session: Welcome from MFCA
9:30-10:30am Business Meeting/Elections
10:30-10:45am BREAK
10:45-12:00pm Cohort sessions
12:00-1:00pm Lunch/Corporate Partner Speaker
1:00-2:00pm Cohort Sessions
2:00-3:00pm Cohort Sessions
2:00-3:30pm Job Candidate Workshop (cohort 3+ pre-registration required)
3:00-4:30pm AOM Registration
4:40-5:30pm Cohort Sessions
5:30-6:30pm On the Market- Meet-n-Greet
6:30-8:30pm Closing Reception & Dinner